Tuesday 18 September 2012

Tony Fernandez and creation of AirAsia

                                    Tony Fernandez

                               and creation of AirAsia

                                                                                                       “Now everyone can fly”

Dato Anthony Francis Fernandez, better known as Tony Fernandez is a Malaysian entrepreneur and founder of AirAsia. The story of AirAsia began in September 2001, undoubtedly the worst month in the history of commercial aviation. It is then Tony Fernandez has decided to create a low-cost, short haul airline. Everyone thought that  Fernandes had gone "crazy", predicting that the company would fail miserably as September 11,2001 tragedy has created fear of flying among people, nobody wanted to fly then, many airlines were experiencing large financial  losses. Yet, Tony Fernandez believed in the success of his ideas. As he said himself: "It really was a little bit of stick your finger in the air and hope for the best. But we were good marketing people from the music business… we just went out there and felt the market and said if you halve the fare, there's a huge enormous untapped market." This statement is evidence that a successful entrepreneur should “feel” the market and have financial or marketing knowledge.

At the beginning AirAsia had large debts, but after just one year it started to grow rapidly and expanded ‘from just two airplanes in 2002 to 86 aircrafts flying 30 million people around the world.’ In fact the timing of formation of AirAsia was perfect because the consequences of September 11, 2001, created decline of the aircraft leasing costs by 40%. Also, airline lay-offs mean experienced staff were readily available. The learning point for any entrepreneur is that even worst predictions about company’s future could turn out to be wrong.

Mr Fernandez believes that the secret of success is to be single-minded. He also believes that efficiency is the key to profits. As to the managers, Mr Fernandez advises to get involved in the day-to-day operations in order to gain a better understanding of procedures. Mr Fernandez himself adopts this strategy and work as a crew member or during operations on the ground. For any young entrepreneurs is a good example and advise, as by getting involved in a company’s daily activities an entrepreneur gains a valuable experience as well as ideas of expansion or how the service could be improved.

Another strategy that is believed to retain the success of AirAsia is a strategy when employees come number one and customers come number two’. In words of Mr Fernandez:” If you have a happy workforce they'll look after your customers anyway." It is an interesting strategy as usually service providers try to convince its customers that customers’ interests are main concern of a company. However, the strategy of Tony Fernandez has created a loyalty among customers of AirAsia, thus this strategy is a success and can be implied into other firms.

In a conclusion, according to the story of a successful creation of AirAsia, there are few keys to success. Firstly, you have to have an absolute believe in the success of your new venture. Secondly, get involved in the everyday processes of your new company. Lastly, construct a most suitable managerial strategy taking into consideration a culture, location , workforce and customers’ expectations and other factors. 




‘How Air Asia founder Tony Fernandes' dream came true’, November 2010, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-11647205

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